Environment Conservation and Restoration through Plantation
Save Our Earth Foundation (SOEF) has decided mainly to focus on the issue of consequences of the Environmental pollution and decided its mission and vision to protect and save our earth to save, consrve and protect our environment. Protection and conservation of environment and control the pollution is possible through plantation and protecting the grown plants and trees. To undertake plantation work and spread the awareness in public for protection and conservation of the plants and environment is the primary focus of our organization.
SOEF has undertaken the plantation work for its functional environment restoration. Along with this were organized in Tonk. Along with plantation Foundation started Water Conservation Environmental Rehabilitation program. In order to motivate people towards environmental protection, awreness programs with plantation work in rural areas undertaken in that programs villgers actively participated and planted trees.
Tree Sponsorship Concept
To grow and nurishment of the plants into the trees is necessary. So SOEF has initiatiated the concept to Sponsor the Tree after plantation work. Under this concept the planted trees are given to the certain concerned villagers who can regularly take care by irigating the plants and protecting while they grow well to be take shape of matured trees.Foundation organized the plantation and awareness programs and motivated the villagers to re-establish the environment by growing and protecting the plants.
Role of Foundation in Environment Protection and Conservation
- Save Our Earth Foundation constituted a local area network by interacting with local social activists, volunteers, environment care takers and farmers.
- Foundation is creating awareness programs among the rural public on current environmental issues and solutions.
- Foundation is facilitating the participation of various categories of stakeholders in the rural working area on environmental issues.
- Foundation is conducting participatory rural appraisal in the working area.
- Foundation is being involved to spread the message for the protection of healthy life and normal health status of human that is possible from the clean environment.
- Foundation is working to protect the natural resources and entrusting the equitable use of resources in its working area.
- Foundation is making aware to youth and farmers by analysing and monitoring of environmental quality by organising small seminars and meetings in the schools and the village areas.
- Foundation is transferring information through newsletters, brochures, articles, audio visuals and by using social media resources.
- Foundation is has been organizing seminars, lectures and group discussion for promotion of environmental awareness in schools and institutions and during the events of the social organizations with their hlp and support.
- Foundation is supporting interecting regularly with the local administrative officials, teachers, social activists and stakeholders in preparation, application and execution of various programs related to environmental conservation and protection.